Letter: Our world is filled with many faiths, and there is much to learn from them

Matthew Johnson
Special to the Rockford Register Star

Don Woolery and Dr. Tim Durkee have responded to my response.

I'll be brief in reply, and we can all go on with our lives.

These gentlemen believe that there is an objective truth, that it is contained in a particular teaching about Jesus, and that they know it. 

I am not sure there is an objective truth, and I'm confident that if there is, I will never grasp all of it.

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We all pick and choose from religious traditions (Have Mr. Woolery and Dr. Durkee "sold all [they] own and give the money to the poor"? That is Jesus' explicit instruction too).

A majority of the world's people practice religions other than Christianity. I think I can learn from them too.

I think being in conversation, with respect, with both secular and sacred wisdom, gets me closer to seeing the divine wholeness, which I will never fully know.

If you seek a faith that will name a single objective truth and that you have it, you have options.

But if you want to be more humble about such claims and more curious about the rich interfaith world we share, you have options for that, too.  

In faith,

The Rev. Matthew Johnson, Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford